Bosco and Brinkley

Bosco and Brinkley

Bosco and Brinkley

This is Lydia’s first run with Emma. Emma is the mother of Lydia’s sheltie Bella that she currently runs in Agility. Emma is running in honor of her brother, not by blood, Bosco, and in memory of Brinkley, Bosco’s best friend.

Brinkley passed over the rainbow bridge January 5th of 2014 due to stomach cancer. He would have turned 9 the day he passed. Brinkley was diagnosed in December of 2013 and progressively got worse. By the time he passed the cancer had spread to his brain causing seizures. Brinkley was a great companion and loving friend. He LOVED to play ball, do tricks, and ride in the go cart with his best friend Blake. He is missed by his family but we know we will see him again one day.

Bosco is a beautiful tri colored sheltie who is 11 years old. Bosco was diagnosed with Lymphoma 2 months ago and has been given a very short time to live. We are enjoying every minute with Bosco and doing everything on his bucket list we made him. He is a loyal companion, awesome puppy trainer, and a wonderful part of the family. He will be sadly missed by everyone who loves him.

To honor Bosco and Brinkley please feel out this form: Run Again Honor A Dog Form